faktanya Shinee

1. Taemin suka diomelin sama Key gara-gara Taemin suka kedip-kedip kalau udah di depan kamera.

2. Key punya 3 item spongebob di kamarnya dan punya 5 tindikan di tubuhnya tapi lupa semua ada dimana aja
3. Taemin sering banget dapat hadiah yang mirip jamur, gara-gara rambutnya yang kaya jamur. Taemin menganggap Minho sang master plus guru PS (PlayStation), soalnya Minho lah yang ngajarin Taemin maen Winning Eleven,, *ntu permainan bola di PS
4. Key pernah seneng banget karena di kasih hadiah Kunci mobil sama fansnya, tapi setelah itu dia sadar, kalo itu cuma kunci dan gag ada mobilnya, Key akhirnya mikir, “Oh, mungkin karena namaku Key” LOL
5. Kalau 4 member SHINee itu cewe Onew bakalan ngajak Jonghyun buat kencan, tapi kalo dia yang jadi cewe dia bakalan ngajak Key buat jadi pacarnya. Tapi Key sendiri ogah ama Onew soalnya Key sukanya ama Taemin. wkwkwk
6. Onew kalo tidur selalu miring-mirng dan anggota tubuh yang paling di banggakan adalah Suara.
7. Onew suka ketawa –ketawa didepan kamera dan suka NG kalo lagi syuting, dan susah banget fokusnya, kalo udah gitu Key bakalan ngomel lamaaaaa banget, karena kesel harus syuting berulang-ulang
8. Key seneng banget sama TaeMin, buktinya dia suka gendong2 Taemin. Taemin suka takut ama Key soalnya takut Key suka beneran ama dia,, hahahahha
9. Walau Key bawel Onew bilang Key punya selera Fashion yang paling keren,
10. Dengan konyol nya pas ditanya,siapa yang mirip dengan kamu? Onew akan menjawab “Orang tuaku Lah” dan para member pada bengong denger jawaban Onew.
11. Kalau lagi ngeliat toko Chiki Onew akan selalu berhenti dan minta dibeliin snack apa ajah yang penting snack kata dia,Onew emang seneng banget ama snack.
12. Yang engga bisa dilupakan Jonghyun saat fans membuatkan dia banner yang sangat besar bertuliskan ‘JONGHYUN’, panjangnya hampir 1 meter. Jonghyun langsung terharu ngelihat itu karena engga tega ngelihat fansnya ngegotong-gotong banner segitu gedenya.
13. Yang biasa dilakukan Jonghyun kalo engga ada kerjaan adalah mendengarkan musik….menonton film,atau Cuma tidur-tiduran.
14. Walaupun sampai sekarang Jonghyun gag punya pacar tapi dia janji akan memperlakukannya dengan baik kalau punya pacara nani dan dia paling sayang sama kakak perempuannya
15. Key bilang dia engga punya panutan tapi dia maunya jadi panutan dan saat sekolah Key bilang selalu jadi murid biasa dan engga neko-neko.
16. Cara terampuh Minho kalo lagi stess adalah berolahraga, bermain sepakbola dan basket
17. Dengan bijaksana Minho bilang kalau pesona karismatiknya saat ia memperlihatkan kepada orang-orang kalau dia bekerja dengan keras
18. Andai masih bisa hidup 10 tahun lagi keinginan teraneh Taemin cuma mau lebih tinggi
19. Saat ibunya mau hamil Taemin, ibunya Taemin pernah mimpiin katak yang sangat besar
20. Walau sibuk Onew tetap bisa bisa pertahanin nilainya di sekolah dan rangking terbaiknya adalah rangking 2 untuk seluruh sekolah dan kelas. WAAAWWW!!
21. Key adalah ibunya para member SHINee soalnya paling bawel, sangking bawelnya Taemin ampe bilang dia amit-amit punya emak kaya Key,,
22. Key pinter masak. Tapi dia engga bisa nyuci beras,dia selalu bingung, gimana cara nyuci beras.. Key masih aneh, kenapa beras kalo dicuci engga bersih2,, *Lah emang beras kalo dicuci warnanya gag bisa bening,, putih kaya susu,, hahah dasar Key*
23. Kalo ketemu paranormal Minho pengen banget bisa lihat hantu, itu impian teranehnya,dia bilang dia pernah lihat setan, tapi Cuma 1, makanya dia pingin lihat lagi,
24. Masa terburuk Onew saat trainee, soalnya disaat semuanya ada kemajuan, orang-orang bilang dia gag ada kemajuan,,
25. Onew ngaku kalau dia terlalu polos bahkan sangking polosnya dia bilang belum pernah pacaran ..???
26. Onew demen banget niruin suara donal bebek,, dan kegirangan minta ampun saat ada snack dan yogurt yang mirip namanya,,
27. Walau nama mandarin Onew adalah Wen Liu, tapi dia engga ngakuin kalo itu namanya, dia bilang “Nama aku itu Onew titik”
28. Taemin sering di bullying ama temen-temen sekolahnya gara-gara dia itu artis makanya kalo disekolah dia lebih suka makan sendirian.
29. Taemin bilang first kissnya itu sama robotnya dan Taemin bisa mainin piano dengan keren
30. Key paling sebel sama cewe yang dandannya kelamaan dia akan bilang “Ya,udah tampil apa adanya aja!”
31. Key suka banget sama yang namanya nulis diary dan pengen banget nyari ke toko kaset SHINee sendirian
32. Jonghyun paling sering ngambil jatah Onew kalo lagi ngomong soalnya Onew kalo ngomong mikirnya lama, makanya kadang Onew sebel ama Jonghyun
33. Jonghyun member yang bangun paling pagi ia bangga bukan main ama kebiasaannya ini, tapi paling sebel kalau disuruh ngebangunin Minho yang raja tidur
34. Jonghyun anti makan makanan instan bakal begadang semalaman buat mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya kalau udah punya acara besok. Hebat maen bass, gitar , dan piano. Suka ngigau sambil nyanyi.
35. Dengan bijaknya Onew bilang “Aku yakin setiap orang punya kekurangan dan kelebihan masing-masing. Aku menyukai cewek yang menerimaku apa adanya” *Aih,, abang Onew..
36. Tanda-tanda Jonghyun lagi gugup adalah ngomongnya cepet banget kaya kereta ekspress
37. Taemin selalu membawa permen ditasnya yang selalu dilabeli tulisan SHINee,yang tentunya dia tulis sendiri, dan dia bakalan ngasih permennya ke fans Noona yang ia temui,
38. Banyak yang bilang TaeMin imut tapi dia sama sekali ga mau dibilang imut, kalo ada yang bilang di imut dia akan ngadu ke member lainnya dan bilang “Kenapa semua bilang aku imut? Aku itu manly hyung..” dan para Hyungnya hanya nganguk-nganguk..
39. ONEW : “ Sejujurnya di antara semua member, yang paling mendekati sempurna adalah AKU!!”
40. Minho berani ditantang gag kedip selama 3 menit,,ckckck dia yakin 100% kalo dia bakalan menang telak..
41. Key pernah disuruh nyetak tangannya di sebuah meja di sebuah acara, tapi dia malah nandatanganin mejanya bukan nyetak tangannya, dia malu banget dan buru2 nyetak tangannya,, dan member SHINee yang lain Cuma geleng-geleng
42. Artis Favorit member SHINee Onew : Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, pokoknya penyanyi pop lawas lah, Jonghyun : Neyo, Chris Brown. Neyo , Key : Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake. Kalo cewek dia suka Madonna, Britney Spears, n Lady Gaga. Minho : Justin Timberlake, Usher Kalo yang dari Korea dia suka DBSK, Super Junior, ama Shinhwa. Taemin : Michael Jackson dan sedih banget pas idolanya meninggal
43. Key akan ngajak pacarnya Shopping kalo dia punya pacar soalnya Key suka banget Shopping,
44. Onew pernah nyanyi Can’t Shed My Tears di radio dengan piano. Semuanya pada terharu-haru sampe nangis karena sangking terkesimanya, tapi ditengah-tengah Onew malah nyengir-nyengir. Buyar lah semua… Onew cengar-cengir soalnya dia bingung kenapa suma pada sedih,, *halah Onew,, gubrak…*
45. Hal yang paling dibenci member SHINee, Onew sebel ama nyamuk,soalnya kalo gigit badan onew pasti bentol.. Jonghyun anti banget ama yang namanya panas, dia bilang musim dingin lebih baik..Minho paling sebel ama kata kalah soalnya dia bilang pasti akan selalu menang, Key paling gag suka maa wortel.. dia benci ama wortel dan jangan sekali-kali nanya alesannya, Key paling akan bilang “Mana aku tahu” Taemin sebelnya ama serangga.. sama kaya onew dia gag suka ama nyamuk, bukan karena takut bentol tapi karena kalo Taemin mau nangkep nyamuk selalu gag berhasil.
46. Dalam sebuah wawancara Key pernah bilang “Tolong kalian semua jangan terpengaruh dengan imejku yang cool. Walaupun imejku ini terlihat orang yang cool, tapi sebenarnya aku orang yang ceplas ceplos, dan aku senang berbagi kebahagiaan kepada semua orang”
47. Entah mungkin sangking merdunya suara Key, Jessica SNSD pernah meneteskan air mata ketika berduet dengan Key dengan lagu Barby Girl.
48. Waktu masih muda Key pernah belajar di Los Angeles, California (AS) makanya dia pinter bahasa inggris.
49. Member yang paling serem kalo lagi marah adalah Onew, kalo udah marah, semua member pasti akan diam membatu seribu bahasa, mangut-mangut dengerin sang leader marah, tapi dasar Key, dia selalu bercanda kalo Onew lagi marah, dan emang Cuma Key lah yang bisa meluluhkan hati Onew,, halah
50. Onew kalo tidur akan nutupin semua tubuhnya pake selimut, dia engga suka ama sinar lampu, dan alhasil setiap bangun Onew basah kuyup karena keringet, dan terakhir, onew anti anak kecil,,bukan anti si sebenernya,, dia bilang dia takut gag bisa ngediemin kalo ada anak kecil yang nangis, buktinya bisa dilihat di SHINee Hello Baby

biodata anak-anak 2PM

Nichkhun 2PM 

Nama lengkap: Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul
Tanggal lahir : 24 Juni 1988
Posisi : vokalis

Tak hanya di mata penggemar, di antara personel 2PM, ia dikenal paling pandai memainkan ekspresi wajah menggemaskan. Pada awal kemunculannya, Nickhun salah satu personel paling menarik perhatian. Wajah imut perpaduan China-Thailand cowok yang lahir dan besar di Amerika ini dan kemampuan berbahasa Korea yang masih minim bikin geregetan. Pemilik nama lengkap Nickhun Buck Horvejkul yang lahir pada 24 Juni 1988 ini ditemukan JYP di Amerika, saat cowok yang terdaftar sebagai warga negara Amerika ini ikut Korean Music Festival di Los Angeles. Kemampuan beradaptasi Nichkun yang baik di Korea membuatnya makin berkilau. Kemampuan bahasa Korea yang makin fasih menjadi jalan memperlancar kariernya. Tahun ini, pemilik julukan Prince Khun ini akan merambah dunia akting dengan menjadi pendukung film The Shining Diploma.

Taecyeon 2PM

Nama lengkap: Ok Taecyeon
Tanggal lahir: 27 Desember 1988
Posisi: rapper utama

Meski orang Korea asli, Taecyeon pernah berdomisili 7 tahun ke Bedford, Massachusetts. Pengalaman melanglang buana di negeri orang membuatnya menguasai empat bahasa: Korea, Inggris, Spanyol, China. Kelahiran 27 Desember 1988 ini pernah ikut acara audisi musik yang sama dengan Junho dan Chansung, Superstar Survival, namun menjadi kontestan pertama yang meninggalkan acara. Saat ikut audisi JYP di New York, sebenarnya ia berniat menjadi model atau aktor. Di tangan JYP, Taecyeon berhasil dilatih menjadi rapper keren di 2PM. Tapi keinginannya menjajal dunia akting terwujud. Ia dipercaya memerankan karakter Jungwoo di serial Cinderella’s Sister dengan lawan main Moon Geum Young. Lalu, apakah jadwal syuting Taecyeon mengganggu kegiatannya bersama 2PM? Jelas tidak. “Kami sudah mengatur jadwalnya dengan syuting Cinderella’s Sister selama hari kerja, dan kegiatan 2PM di akhir pekan,” kata perwakilan JYP.

Wooyoung 2PM

Nama lengkap: Jang Wooyoung
Tanggal lahir: 30 April 1989
Posisi: vokalis utama

Jang Wooyoung personel 2PM yang ditemukan JYP lewat audisi Mgoon. Ia mengalahkan sekitar 5.000 peserta dan keluar sebagai pemenang. Sebelum memulai debut di 2PM, Wooyoung pernah menggantikan TOP-nya Big Bang untuk menari bersama Yoobin Wonder Girl di acara MBC Music Awards. Ya, selain menjadi salah satu vokalis utama 2PM, Wooyoung menonjol dalam koreografi. Personel kelahiran 30 April 1989 ini pernah menjadi co-host acara SBS Inkigayo (bareng Taecyeon) dan acara talk show Win Win. Ketertarikannya mempelajari bahasa Inggris cukup besar. Konon, Wooyoung menambah satu kosa kata bahasa Inggris setiap hari. Dulu, saat Jae Bum masih bergabung, ia sering bertanya kepada Jae Bum, apakah pelafalan bahasa Inggrisnya sudah benar atau masih berantakan.


Junho 2PM 

Nama lengkap: Lee Junho
Tanggal lahir: 25 Januari 1990
Posisi: vokalis utama

Jika Taecyon dan Chansung gagal di acara Superstar Survival pada 2006, Lee Junho keluar sebagai pemenangnya. Tapi siapa sangka, kemenangan itu tak lantas memudahkan jalan Junho. Ia nyaris putus asa saat mengikuti pelatihan di JYP Entertainment. Saat hadir di acara variety show SBS Strong Heart, ia curhat tentang pengalaman pahitnya awal menjalani pelatihan. Predikatnya sebagai pemenang audisi Superstar Survival justru membuat banyak peserta pelatihan lain menjauhi. Yang lebih menyakitkan, ia nyaris keluar dari JYP hanya karena postur tubuh yang dinilai kurang sempurna. Saat persiapan debut, personel dibagi dua kelompok: kelompok tinggi (Im Seulong, Ok Taecyeon, dan Hwang Changsung) dan kelompok pendek (Jae Bum dan Jo Kwon). “Tapi aku tidak bisa masuk ke grup mana pun dan keluar dari persyaratan,” kenang dia. Dukungan semangat dari sang bunda menguatkannya. Ia terus berusaha membuktikan kemampuannya. Dan terbukti, penyanyi yang disebut-sebut mirip Rain ini mampu memperkuat komposisi personel 2PM.

Chansung 2PM

Nama lengkap: Hwang Chansung

Tanggal lahir: 11 Februari 1990
Posisi: vokalis, rapper

Hwang Changsung vokalis dan rapper 2PM yang usianya paling muda. Tak seperti personel lain, ia memulai dunia keartisan lewat jalan akting. Serial Unstoppable High Kick menjadi debutnya. Meski bermodal pengalaman akting dan wajah ganteng tipikal idola remaja, penyanyi kelahiran 11 Februari 1990 ini harus dua kali audisi sampai JYP mencium potensinya. Selain paling muda, Changsung juga dikenal sebagai personel 2PM yang paling doyan makan dan pengendus aroma makanan. Changsung pernah diprotes habis para fans di Korea karena terlihat membuang sampah sembarangan saat muncul di sebuah reality show.

Junsu 2PM

Nama lengkap: Kim Junsu
Tanggal lahir: 15 Januari 1988
Posisi: vokalis utama

Ia lebih banyak berprestasi di lomba puisi dan menulis lagu. Namun bukan berarti kemampuan menyanyi kelahiran cowok 15 Januari 1988 ini tak bisa diandalkan. Andai tidak memilih masuk ke JYP Entertainment, ia mungkin akan jadi bagian dari grup Big Bang, bersama dua sahabatnya, Taeyang dan G-Dragon. Namun Junsu punya pertimbangan lain sehingga memilih bergabung dalam proyek JYP. Konon Junsu semula dipersiapkan untuk grup 2AM (mulanya personel 2AM dan 2PM sama-sama tergabung dalam grup One Day). Ia juga sudah melakukan latihan intensif selama enam bulan untuk persiapan debut 2AM. Namun entah mengapa pada akhirnya JYP bengubah keputusan dan memasukkan Junsu dalam 2PM.

Jaebeom Mantan Personil 2PM

Nama lengkap: Park Jaebeom / Jay Park
Tanggal lahir: 25 April 1987
Posisi: pemimpin, vokalis utama, rapper

Jaebeom mengumumkan dirinya keluar dari 2PM pada September 2009, setelah adanya kontroversi mengenai komentar negatif yang dibuatnya mengenai Korea lima tahun yang lalu diketahui publik. ^^

narasumber : http://duniabaca.com/biodata-personil-2pm-boyband-korea.html

faktanya 2PM

1. ChanSung pernah berakting di sebuah sitkom, ‘High Kick Trough The Roof’ berama dengan Kim Bum

2. JaeBeom punya panggilan khusus yaitu “LEADJA”, bukan dari para fans tapi dari seorang wanita tua dalam sebuah episode variety show.

3. Meskipun Jaebeom sudah keluar dari 2PM, sampai sekarang 2PM tidak akan pernah memiliki leader lagi, karena mereka tetap menganggap Jaebeom lah leader mereka.

4. ChanSung dan WooYoung lebih suka tidur di lantai.

5. JunHo punya pantat yg besar dan seksi, bahkan para idola pria dan wanita mengakuinya.

6. JunHo tidak memanggil WooYoung dengan sebutan “hyung” meskipun Junho lebih muda.

7. Menurut Jaebum, Taecyeon akan menari popping dance ketik tidur.

8. JoKwon 2AM seharusnya menjadi member 2PM, tapi karena dia lebih banyak pengalaman karena masa traineenya yg paling lama, makanya dia didebut lebih awal dan jadi leader di 2AM.

9.NichKhun itu ambidextrous, maksunya, dia bisa menulis dan melakukan apapun dengan kedua tangannya bersamaan.

10. WooYoung suka makan ayam

11. ChanSung adalah fans berat acara komedi Gal Gal Ee

12. Ayah JunSu tidak menyetujui kalau dia mau jadi penyanyi,tapi setelah sering ikut acara lomba menyanyi dan menang dan mendapat hadiah sebuah TV layar datar dan lebar, ayahnya pun luluh dan akhirnya memberi retu

13. TaecYeon itu adalah manusia alat musik, dia bisa menimbulkan suara musik dari gemertak giginya, dengan memukul2 pipi dan bahkan dengan tenggorokannya.

14. Selera berpakaian TaecYeon paling buruk, sedangkan Junsu adalah member dengan selera fesyen terbaik

15. JunSu sahabatan dengan G dragon dan Taeyang  Big Bang.

16. Super Junior pernah menanyakan sesuatu pada Chansung,’Berapakah usiamu ?’, dan Chansung menjawab,’Aku adalah maknae di 2PM’, dan apa reakinya, ‘KAMU ??? MAKNAE ??? BENARKAH ???”

17. Tipe ideal Chansung adalah gadis dengan mata yg indah

18. Taecyeon thinks Miss A is a “jackpot rookie group”

19. Jaebum, Taecyeon dan Nickhun paling fasih bicara bahaa Inggris

20. Junsu lolos audisi di YG ent dan JYPE, tapi dia memilih JYPE, itulah kenapa dia dekat dengan GDragon dan Taeyang.

21. Semua member dan JYP khawatir karena Wooyoung tidak pernah punya pacar.

22. Sebelum debut, Wooyoung adalah pasangan dansa Yubin dan Wonder Girls’ menggantikan T.O.P yg pingsan.

23. Junsu paling gak suka kalau orang berpikir kalau dia itu bau.

24. Junho tidak bisa mengedipkan sebelah matanya, karena dia pikir matanya terlalu kecil

25. Wooyoung dan Junho adalah teman sekamar, tapi Wooyoung lebih suka tidur di lantai bareng Chansung

26. Nichkhun jadi satu2nya ‘suami’ di WGM yg berasal dari luar negeri.

27. Taecyeon sahabatan dengan Tiffany SNSD.

28. Taecyeon sering dgosipkan dengan wanita, terutama Yoona dan yg terbaru Jesscia.

29. Wooyoung melakukan ciuman pertamanya dengan Nichkhun secara tidak sengaja di acara tv.

30. Wooyoung tidak punya tipe wanita ideal, tapi dia akan mengatakan seorang wanita itu ideal untuknya, apabila langsung bisa merebut hatinya di awal bertemu.

31. Meski paling tua di grupnya, Jaebum adalah member paling pendek, dengan tinggi badan 176 cm.

32. Chansung, Junho dan Wooyoung kuliah satu kampus di Howon University

33. Selain Junsu, semua member 2PM suka semua makanan.

34. Wooyoung sekolah di Seoul School For The Arts – Dance Major

35. Junsu paling suka dengan sushi

36. 2AM dan 2PM awalnya akn debut bersama dalam satu grup, ONEDAY

37. Jaebum keluar dari 2PM karena masalah entrinya di Myspcae yg membuat banyak orang Korea sakit hati, dan akhirnya JYP pun memutus kontraknya.

38. Junho menyukai gadis yg bisa mengurus anaknya kelak dengan baik

39. Junsu menyukai gadis yg cantik jika gais itu tersenyum

40. Wooyoung punya panggilan antara lain Mandu(karena tembem), Toshio, Ang Ang Wooyoung

41. Junho dan Chansung sama2 memelihara kucing berwarna abu-abu.

42. Kaki Nichkhun sangat panjang, buktinya dengan tinggi badan 180 cm, panjang kakinya saja 110 cm sendiri

43. Taecyeon pertama kali berakting di drama Cinderella Sister

44. Junsu paling hobi mengkoleksi aksesoris, sepatu dan barang2 fesyen

45.  Meski sekarang Nichkhun ‘menikah’ dengan Victoria, dulu dia dan Chansung sama2 memilih Yoona sebagai tipe wanita idealnya

46.  Junho jago beatboxing

47. Wooyoung jadi trainee di JYPE setelah mengalahkan 5000 orang peserta audisi di MGoon

48. Saat ini, Jaebum sudah mulai beraktivitas di Korea, meskipun tidak sepenuhnya.

49. Taecyeon akan berubah menjadi orang yg lebih berisik, bereaksi berlebihan dan agresif jika sedang berhadapan dengan wanita

50. Wooyoung pernah jadi MC SBS Inkigayo bersama Taecyeon, dan lalu ditambahkan Sulli. Tapi, akhirnya digantikan Jung Yong Hwa dan Jo Kwon

51. Chansung jago taekwondo dan gumdo

52. Junsu sering dipanggil Jun.K dan Panda

53. Taecyeon jago main ski dan memasak

54. Junho dijuluki Hwang-jae atau kaisar

55. Jo Kwon itu dekat banget ama Jaebum, karena sama2 lama jadi trainee. Setelah Jaebum keluar, Jo Kwon jadi gampang nangis kalo keingetan Jaebum

56. Wooyoung dan Jaebum sama2 setuju, kalau Nichkhun itu jadi icon 2PM dari sisi wajahnya

57.  Jaebum memilih Jessica SNSD sebagai tipe idealnya dalam berbagai acara

58. Nichkhun jadi satu-satunya idola K-Pop yg berasal dari Thailand

59. Chansung punya peliharaan seekor kucing bernama Jungkam

60. Wooyoung akan debut akting di drama baru kerjasama JYPE dan KeyEast, Dream High sebagai dancer dari luar negeri dan akan saingan dengan Taecyeon

61. Meski Jaebum sudah tidak jadi bagian 2PM lagi, saat Nichkhun ultah tahun ini, Jaebum ngucapin met ultah loh

62.  Chansung bisa makan 40 porsi shabu-shabu sekali makan

63. Chansung adalah member paling aneh saat tidur, suka berjalan sendiri di saat tidur (ini sudah terjadi sejak kecil, bahkan pernah sampai jalan keluar rumah), mengigau, posisi tidurnya selalu miring, suka tidur di lantai, bahkan pernah sempat nyalain laptop, tapi balik tidur lagi. Selain itu, sebelum tidur, Chansung menyiapkan makanan di samping tempat tidurnya, dan di tengah-tengah dia tidur, akan terbangun dan makan makanan tadi, lalu balik tidur lagi.

64. Taecyeon dan Chansung adalah member paling kuat makan, bisa2 makan 25 porsi makan sekali keluar untuk makan bersama.

65. Junho akan terkapar dimana saja jika sedang mabuk.

66. Selain kuat makan, Taecyeon juga paling kuat minum alkohol


Steps were a British pop group that achieved a series of charted singles between 1997 and 2001. Their name was based around a simple marketing gimmick: each of their music videos was choreographed, and the dance steps were included with most of their single releases. Steps formed on 7 May 1997 and disbanded on 26 December 2001. In total Steps have sold more than 15 million records, and achieved 14 consecutive Top 5 singles – a feat only surpassed by Boyzone (with 17), Oasis (with 18) and The Beatles and Westlife (who had 20).

Steps were formed by Steve Crosby & Barry Upton (writers of “5,6,7,8”) alongside Manager Tim Byrne after auditioning hopefuls who answered an ad in The Stage newspaper. Byrne had previously been involved in the production of the Smash Hits Poll Winners Party, the BBC collaboration with the pop magazine, Smash Hits.

Their first single “5,6,7,8.” was a techno line dance song. Though not typical of what would become their style, it became their first hit both in the UK and internationally. Despite only peaking at number 14, the single achieved considerable longevity in the fast-paced singles climate of 1998, racking up over four months on the UK chart. The track remains one of the highest selling singles never to reach the top 10 on the UK Singles Chart. It debuted in Australia giving them their first number one in 1997.

Tim Byrne then founded a management & production company, Byrne Blood, with former BMG head of marketing & video, Victoria Blood, which took over sole management of Steps and was also instrumental in the creation and management of A1.

The group were signed by Jive Records and following the success of their debut single, songwriter Pete Waterman became involved in the project. Waterman’s stated intention was to try to recreate the sound of ABBA and blend it with a more modern style.[citation needed] He would often refer to the group as “ABBA on speed”. In April 1998, Steps launched their second single, a cover version of Bananarama‘s “Last Thing on My Mind“, which became their first UK top ten peaking at number 6.

By August 1998, Steps continued to build momentum with their third single “One for Sorrow” which peaked at number 2, and began an unbroken chain of 14 consecutive Top 5 hits on the UK singles chart. Unlike many other pop acts of the era, Steps’ singles success translated into impressive album sales as their debut album Step One entered the chart at number 2. It went on to become certified 5x Platinum following a run of 50 weeks in the Top 20 alone.

The next single release was a double A-side which provided Steps with their signature song and biggest career seller. The single was a cover version of the Bee GeesTragedy” and an original track “Heartbeat“. The single was released in November 1998 when it charted at number 2. However, following enduring popularity over the Christmas period, the single rebounded up the chart and became their first number one hit in January 1999, seven weeks after it initially charted, a feat almost unheard of during the pre- and post-millennium era. The single eventually sold over a million copies and occupied the chart for 30 weeks.

The final track to be released from Step One was “Better Best Forgotten“. Because of the continued success of the previous single, the CD release was delayed by nearly two months. Nonetheless, Better Best Forgotten could do no wrong and entered the chart at number 2 despite surrendering a midweek lead over the official “Comic Relief” song by “Boyzone“.

Steps were part of the ensemble that released “Thank ABBA for the Music” (a medley of ABBA‘s “Take A Chance On Me”, “Dancing Queen“, “Mamma Mia” and “Thank You for the Music”) in March 1999, as performed at the BRIT Awards. The other artists singing were Tina Cousins, Cleopatra, B*Witched, and Billie, known collectively as the Supertroupers. The single later peaked at number four. The group was also nominated for Best Newcomer. Pete Waterman claimed to have been told days before the ceremony that STEPS had won the award, as voted for by listeners of BBC Radio 1. However, on the night the award was handed to the Scottish band Belle & Sebastian, who were assumed to be rank outsiders. Despite the allegation that a significant number of votes for Belle & Sebastian were traced to one location (two computers sited in a particular UK university campus), the band held onto their award as foul-play was denied by organizers of the BRIT Awards.

1999–00: Steptacular

In July 1999, Steps released the first single from an all-new album, “Love’s Got a Hold on My Heart“. Once again they narrowly missed the number one spot following a last minute surge by Ricky Martin. After the single’s release, Steps went to America to support Britney Spears on her 1999 …Baby One More Time Tour. A remixed version of “One for Sorrow” was included in the film Drive Me Crazy and released as their debut American single. They were also successful in Europe and Australasia.

Steps returned home to release their second album, Steptacular, which was accompanied by “After the Love Has Gone“. The album charted at number 1 and was eventually certified 4x Platinum, thus becoming their second UK million selling album. The group subsequently released an album in North America which was titled Step One and was an amalgamation of their first two albums. The group’s next two singles “Say You’ll Be Mine / Better the Devil You Know” and “Deeper Shade of Blue” (originally recorded by label mate Tina Cousins for her debut album) both continued their top five run.

In July 2000, Steps released another double-A-side, consisting of the Steptacular track “When I Said Goodbye” and an entirely new song “Summer of Love”. The latter was a Latino-flavoured pop song, which later appeared on their third album.

Steps were also awarded the BRIT Award for Best Selling Live Act of the year in 2000.[1]

2000–01: Buzz

In October 2000, “Stomp” became their second and final number one single. The third album Buzz followed shortly and whilst it was less successful than their first two albums, went on to achieve double platinum status and contains five UK Top 5 singles. The group worked with many American and Swedish producers who had created hits for other Jive artists such as Britney Spears, ‘N Sync, and the Backstreet Boys.

The following single “It’s the Way You Make Me Feel” reached number 2 upon its January 2001 release. Steps promoted the Buzz album worldwide and did not return to the UK until May, when they released “Here and Now / You’ll Be Sorry“.

2001–02: Gold & split

Split rumours started circulating after it was announced that Steps would be releasing a greatest hits album. The group continuously denied this in their interviews. “Chain Reaction“, a cover of the popular Diana Ross song, was released as the first single from Gold: Greatest Hits. The single became their biggest in almost two years. The second single, “Words Are Not Enough / I Know Him So Well“, was another top five hit. It would become their final single as a group.

In 2001, following their Boxing Day split, the group were heavily criticised by their own fans. Many UK tabloid papers published the fans’ disgust on their front pages, displaying quotes taken from Steps message boards. After the group spent much of 2001 strongly dismissing claims of a split, fans were furious and accused the group of capitalizing off the success of a host of merchandise released in the lucrative pre-Christmas market. However, it has since come to light that both H and Claire left the group on the last night of the Steps “Gold: Greatest Hits” tour because of their ongoing unhappiness within the band, although Steps’ official statement stated that the split was caused by their belief that they should end on a high, while they were at their best and could be remembered for being the best of their kind. H and Claire went on to form a duo and signed to Warner Music for a reputed £45 million (over five albums).

Jive released a remix and b-side compilation in 2002. The Last Dance featured previously released remixes, b-sides and rarities. The album did not fare well in the charts but charted at a number 57 without any promotion. A planned release for the track Baby Don’t Dance was scrapped in November 2002. However, promotional copies were pressed and a video based upon their live Gold tour briefly aired on MTV.

Steps to the Stars

Steps also had their own talent show named Steps to the Stars, in which young people performed three acts to be judged by a public vote. It was revealed on the next show who would go through to the final. This was shown on CBBC in 1999/2000. Two series were aired, presented by H and Claire, although the group performed one of its classics at the end of each show. The show featured a young Danny Jones (McFly) in a band called Y2K in which he played guitar with his sister and their friend Joss Stone who eventually won the show. Also featured were Gareth Gates, before he found fame on Pop Idol, and Sean Smith from pop duo Same Difference before he found fame with his singing partner and sister, Sarah Smith, on The X Factor. In one episode, Claire Richards was sawn in half. A young boy performed the torn-card trick to amaze Claire and then performed the sawing on her using the jigsaw method.


Two Steps group members were criticised for allegedly racist remarks in an interview. *Quoting Lee Latchford Evans saying, “I think there should be more jobs for English people” and fellow-band member Claire Richards asking, “Why are we paying for all these people to come into the country anyway?” in an apparent reference to asylum-seekers. Steps responded that the quote was taken out of context.[2]

Solo careers

– H & Claire – Following the split of Steps on 26 December 2001, H and Claire formed a duo. They released their debut single “DJ” on WEA Records on 6 May 2002. Peaking at number 1 on various club charts, the single debuted and peaked on the UK Singles Chart at number 3, spending one week in the Top 10.

Their second single, “Half a Heart” followed on 12 August 2002, debuting and peaking at number 8. The single dropped to number 29 in its second week of release and fell from the chart the week after. Their third and final single release was a double-A-side of an original song entitled “All Out of Love” written and produced by Steps collaborators Topham/Twigg and a cover of the Disney song “Beauty and the Beast“. The single was released in November 2002 and peaked at number 10, spending three weeks on the UK Top 40. Their debut album, Another You Another Me, followed. It peaked at number 58 in the UK, and WEA Records soon dropped the pair.

Taking a break from singing to plan her wedding, Richards never recorded again with Watkins, and the duo dissolved in 2003. More recently, Richards left a message on a website dedicated to her, stating that she is planning a return to a singing career in the near future. In December 2006, she announced that she would be expecting her first child in the Spring of 2007 and on 8 May, she gave birth to a baby boy, named Charlie. Claire has also taken part in BBC’s Celebrity MasterChef, which aired in May 2008. On 13 September 2008, Claire appeared on the one-off ITV1 show Everybody Dance Now in which she performed Steps classic cover “Tragedy” with 200 dancers performing the associated dance steps. During a promotional interview for the show on ITV’s Loose Women, Claire revealed an attempt to revive her singing career.

Watkins decided to take a musical theatre course at the Royal Academy of Music. He was filmed through the course and it was broadcast as a reality TV series, H-side Story, which followed him as he tries to make a new career in acting. At the end of the course Watkins passed his exam and graduated from the academy. Ian has since appeared in stage productions of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, Cinderella, and Fame. On 3 January 2007, Ian Watkins came out as gay in an interview with The Sun newspaper. His interview was published the same day he entered the Celebrity Big Brother house. He finished in fourth place on Celebrity Big Brother 2007 and was the first contestant to be cheered on exit that series.

In 2010, H appeared in a cameo appearance on the fourth series of teenage comedy drama Skins on UK Channel 4, as a hair stylist.

Claire released a weight loss DVD in December 2008. She was in a documentary about her attempts to lose weight before her wedding. My Big Fat Wedding was broadcast in May 2009.

In July 2009, Claire announced that she was pregnant for a second time with her daughter, Daisy.

Faye Tozer Faye Tozer reached number 10 in the UK with Russell Watson on the track “Someone Like You”. In the same year she married her Danish boyfriend Jesper Irn, and a year later toured the UK in the theatre production of Tell Me On A Sunday. She also toured the UK as a cast member of the musical Love Shack with Noel Sullivan from Hear’Say and Jon Lee from S Club 7. Faye then joined the cast of Saucy Jack and the Space Vixens, which is a futuristic musical; the show began touring on 24 November 2005. Faye and Jesper have now split up. In 2006, Tozer took the role of Sally in the UK tour of Me And My Girl, then went on to play the female lead in the tour of the play Dial M for Murder. She stars as the title role in the movie Lady Godiva, Back in the saddle, which premiered November 2007. At Christmas 2007, she played Scheherazade in the pantomime Aladdin. On 24 February 2009, Tozer gave birth to her first child, named Benjamin Barrington Tozer-Smith.

Lee Latchford-Evans Lee Latchford-Evans has appeared on UK reality shows The Games, The Match and Celebrity Fear Factor. He is also in a low-key rock band called The Latch, whose sound deviates greatly from the sound of Steps.[citation needed]

In July 2006, MTV UK announced a new TV programme called Totally Boyband would involve Lee, the TV programme is based on fellow Steps star Lisa Scott-Lee’s Totally Scott-Lee. Because of disagreements with the other band members, Lee was sacked from the group.

Lee appeared on Never Mind the Buzzcocks on BBC 2, on 21 October 2010, appearing in the line up as himself.

Lisa Scott-Lee Lisa Scott-Lee has released four singles as a solo dance artist. Lisa was dropped from her initial record contract in 2003 after just two singles, with a third single and album consequently cancelled. In 2004, she signed a new record deal, married boyfriend Johnny Shentall, and released the single “Get It On” as a guest vocalist for the dance act Intenso Project.

In November 2004, it was confirmed that MTV had commissioned a reality show following Lisa in the same vein as The Osbournes and Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica. It was called Totally Scott-Lee and it aired in the UK in October 2005. As one of the premises of the show, she was challenged to have her next single, “Electric” debut in the UK top ten. If she did not accomplish this, then she would have to quit the UK music business. “Electric” peaked at number 13, falling to number 47 the second week and by the third week it had dropped out of the top 75 UK Singles Chart. Lisa nevertheless resumed singing and promoting her music in countries such as Japan, Australia, and South Africa. Her debut album, Never Or Now, was finally released in June 2007. It received a digital release in the UK.

In 2006 she competed in the second series of ITV1‘s ice skating-based reality programme Dancing On Ice.

Lisa starred alongside husband Johnny in the pantomimeJack and the Beanstalk” at Derby Assembly Rooms over the Christmas period of 2007 – 2008, and also appeared in the final episode of BBC One sitcom Extras.

In late February 2008, Lisa gave birth to her first child, a boy named Jaden Anthony Scott-Lee.

In September 2008 she was a contestant on ITV2‘s flight attendant-based reality series CelebAir alongside husband Johnny. The pair were eliminated from the show in the fifth week, after abandoning their cabin crew duties to party for two hours at Eden in Ibiza.


Main article: Steps discography


  • Step One Tour (1999)
  • Next Step Tour (1999)
  • Steptacular Tour (2000)
  • Steps Into Christmas Tour (2000)
  • Gold Tour (2001)


See also

lirik lagu Donghae-Kyuhyun ft Han Ji Min – Happy Bubble

[DONGHAE] wooyuhnhage chajeun ne jipap ne moseup bogopa deullinchuhkhaetji

[KYUHYUN] haroo jongil nuhman gidarineun gweroweo gweroweo gweroweo
[DONGHAE] sarangseuruhweo nuhmoona gwiyuhweo ana joogopa
[KYUHYUN] bukkeuruhmayo hwajanggi uhbneun uhlgool
Reff : sangkeumhage naege watjyo cappuccino guhpoomboda joha
happy bubble nawa hamgge lallalala jeulguhwoon nal
happy happy happy bubble lappappappappa
happy happy happy bubble ppalappappa
[DONGHAE] soljikhi nan dareun yuhjadeul jiteun hwajangeulhae dodohan noonbit
[KYUHYUN] jinhanuhlgool geunyuhdeuleul bomyuhn nan gweroweo gweroweo gweroweo
[DONGHAE] dajiweobuhryuh hokshina guhkjungeun guhpoom sokeuro
[KYUHYUN] sarangseuruhweo hwajanggi uhbneun uhlgool
Reff : sangkeumhage naege watjyo cappuccino guhpoomboda joha
happy bubble nawa hamgge lallalala jeulguhwoon nal
happy happy happy bubble lappappappappa
happy happy happy bubble ppalappappa
[DONGHAE] banjjak banjjakuh syabang syabangyo
[KYUHYUN] uhdduhn kkotboda areumdawoon nuh
sangkeumhage naege watjyo cappuccino guhpoomboda joha
happy bubble nawa hamgge lallalala jeulguhwoon nal
happy happy happy bubble lappappappappa
happy happy happy bubble ppalappappa

lirik lagu 2PM – Take Off (Japan ver.)

 2PM – Take Off

Kimi to deatta nowa tada no guzen jyanai
Kore wo wunmei to yobunda

Sono hitomi ni utsuru boku tachi ga kagayaite irareru yohni
Zutto mitsume tsuzukete

(i’ll be) itsuno himo kimi ni
(will you) egao wo tayasa nai
ima kokode chikai tai
(you and me)

(please be)
dakala moshi kono munega (with me)
michi ni mayou hini wa
mirai eno tobira wo hiraite hoshii

ready ready ready for the take off
michi naru sekai eto mai agarun da
dakara (dakara) sonote hanasa nai de

ready ready ready for the take off
yume ga mezasu basho e
tsukanda kono kizuna nigiri shimete

dare moga idomu toki
huan ni karareru
sonna toki wa sotto senaka oshite yo

(please be)
kimi no sono hitokoto wa (with me)
tsugi ni susumu tameno tsuyoi youki ni naru maho no kotoba

ready ready ready for the take off
chiheisen mezasun da
ano mukou de
kimi to dareka ga matteru

ready ready ready for the take off
umare kawaru basho e
mai orirun da
hitotsu ni naru tameni

(rap omitted)

deai ga inochi wo hakon de
ikerun da

ready ready ready for the take off
yume ga mezasu basho e
Tenishite kono kizuna nigiri shimete

lirik lagu Super Junior – Sorry Sorry (japan ver.)

[All] Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
Nigashi ha shi nai sa
Nigirishime ta te ha hanasa nai yo Baby
Shawty, Shawty, Shawty, Shawty mechakucha suteki sa
Sumikitta hitomi ga megami no you na Baby

[Siwon] mada? mou? motto isoge motto isoge maniau honto ha dou shi tai no
Nukedase naku naru
[Kyuhyun] karada ga katamaru kokoro ga torokeru meguru meku sekai sa
Nukedashi taku nai

[Ryeowook] oshige mo naku sarashi ta sono suhada
[Sungmin] daitan futeki de suteki na egao
[Ryeowook] koyubi no saki made some rare sou sa
[Sungmin] torikaeshi tsuka nai hodo ni fall in love

[All] Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
Nigashi ha shi nai sa
Nigirishime ta te ha hanasa nai yo Baby
Shawty, Shawty, Shawty, Shawty mechakucha suteki sa
Sumikitta hitomi ga megami no you na Baby

Ddand dan ddanddada dda ddaranddan

[Siwon] kimi ni muchuu sa Baby

Ddanddan ddanddada dda ddaranddan

[Donghae] Go girl girl girl girl?ai no wana ni ma?sshigura ( Hey go )
Karakawa nai de awai kitai o

[Yesung] kimi ha [Kangin] Love maker
[Yesung] dare mo [Kangin] otose nai ne
[Yesung] boku ha [Kangin] akirame nai yo
[Yesung] takanatteru 1234
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/s/super_junior/sorry_sorry_japan.html ]
[Ryeowook] shigusa to shisen de karami tora re ta
[Sungmin] shizuka ni shinkou shi te yuku mousou
[Ryeowook] neru no mo wasure te obore teru no sa
Hikikaese nai tokoro made fall in love

Mada! motto! mada! motto!

[All] Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
Nigashi ha shi nai sa
Nigirishime ta te ha hanasa nai yo Baby
Shawty, Shawty, Shawty, Shawty mechakucha suteki sa
Sumikitta hitomi ga megami no you na Baby

Ddanddan ddanddada dda ddaranddan

[Siwon] kimi ni muchuu sa Baby

Ddanddan ddanddada dda ddaranddan

Let’s dance dance dance dance
Let’s dance dance dance dance
Let’s dance dance dance dance dance dance dance

[Yesung]Hey! ike nai koto hodo ne? hamari komu mono sa yeah

[Kyuhyun]mou sakarau koto mo deki nai. okashiku nari sou. hey –

[Heechul]eien ni boku dake no mono soba ni I te

[Kangin] saikou no yume o mise te ageru kara
[Ryeowook] ai o kataru yori honne o sarase
[Yesung] nerai sadame tara hora that that that girl.

Nigashi ha shi nai sa. nigirishime ta te ha hanasa nai yo baby
Mechakucha suteki sa sumikitta hitomi ga megami no you na baby

lirik lagu Super Junior – Sorry Sorry

Dance Dance Dance Dance
Dance Dance Dance Dance
Dance Dance

[All] Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
Naega naega naega meonjeo
Nege nege nege ppajyeo
Ppajyeo ppajyeo beoryeo baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
Nuni busyeo busyeo busyeo
Sumi makhyeo makhyeo makhyeo
Naega michyeo michyeo baby

[Siwon] Baraboneun nunbit soge
Nunbit soge naneun machi
Naneun machi mwoe hollin nom
[Yesung] (Ijen beoseonajido motae)
[Kyuhyun] Georeooneun neoui moseup
Neoui moseup neoneun machi
Nae simjangeul barpgo wannabwa
[Yesung] (Ijen beoseonajido motae)

[Ryewook] Eodil gana dangdanghage
Utneun neoneun maeryeokjeok
[Sungmin] Chakhan yeoja ilsaegiran
Saenggakdeureun bopyeonjeok
[Ryeowook] Dodohage geochim eopge
Jeongmal neoneun hwansangjeok
[Sungmin] Dorikil su eobseulmankeum
Nege ppajyeo beoryeosseo

[All] Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
Naega naega naega meonjeo
Nege nege nege ppajyeo
Ppajyeo ppajyeo beoryeo baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
Nuni busyeo busyeo busyeo
Sumi makhyeo makhyeo makhyeo
Naega michyeo michyeo baby

Ttanttan ttanttada tta ttaranttan
Ttanttan ttanttada tta
[Siwon] Nege banhaebeoryeosseo baby
[All] Ttanttan ttanttada tta ttaranttan
Ttanttan ttanttada tta ttarappappara
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/s/super_junior/sorry_sorry.html ]
[Donghae] Hey girl gir gir gir gir gir girl I
Nunmantteumyeon ni saenggak (Hey girl)
Janakkaena sasil neo hana bakke anboyeo
[Yesung] (Malhaebwa) [Kangin] Ni mame naega
[Yesung] (Malhaebwa) [Kangin] Jari jabanneunji
[Yesung] (Malhaejwo) [Kangin] Naege marhaejwo
[Yesung] (Naneun babo babo babo)

[Ryewook] Jubyeon saramdeureun malhae
Naega neomu jeokgeukjeok
[Sungmin] I sesange geureon saram
Eodi handurinyago
[Ryeowook] Geugeol molla geunyeol molla
Shigihamyeo haneun mal
[Sungmin] Naega bureopdamyeon geugeon
Geudaedeuri jineun geo

[All] Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
Naega naega naega meonjeo
Nege nege nege ppajyeo
Ppajyeo ppajyeo beoryeo baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
Nuni busyeo busyeo busyeo
Sumi makhyeo makhyeo makhyeo
Naega michyeo michyeo baby

Ttanttan ttanttada tta ttaranttan
Ttanttan ttanttada tta
Nege banhaebeoryeosseo baby
Ttanttan ttanttada tta ttararara
Ttanttan ttanttada tta ttarappappara

Let’s dance dance dance dance
Let’s dance dance dance dance
Let’s dance dance dance dance
Dance dance

[Yesung] Hey ije geuman naege wajullae
Jeongmal michil geotman gata yeah
[Kyuhyun] Nan neoman saranghago shipeo
Jeoldae dashi hannun pal saenggak eobseo hey, hey, hey

[Heechul] Aeiniragiboda chingugateun
Naega doego shipeo
[Kangin] Neoui modeun gomin seulpeum
Hamkke ganjikhagopa
[Ryeowook] Dashi eobseul mankeum mankeum
Neoreul neomu saranghae
[Yesung] Naega baran saram niga baro geu
That that that girl

[All] Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
Naega naega naega meonjeo
Nege nege nege ppajyeo
Ppajyeo ppajyeo beoryeo baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
Nuni busyeo busyeo busyeo
Sumi makhyeo makhyeo makhyeo
Naega michyeo michyeo baby

[Kyuhyun] sorry
[Heechul] hahaha

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
First of all I I I
Fell for you you you
Fell fell completely baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
My eyes are blinded blinded blinded
My breathing’s stopped stopped stopped
I’m going crazy crazy baby[Siwon] Inside those eyes that watch upon me
Inside those eyes
It’s like I’m
It’s like I’m some guy who’s been charmed
[Yesung]I can’t get out now

[Kyuhyun] Your figure, your figure is crazy
It’s as if you trampled on my heart
[Yesung]I can’t get out now

[Ryeowook] Wherever you go
You’re majestic
With your attractive smile

[Sungmin]A good-hearted lady
Universally thought of

[Ryeowook] Proudly, without reserve
You’re really fantastic

[Sungmin] Can’t put a price on it
I’ve fallen for you

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
First of all I I I
Fell for you you you
Fell fell completely baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
My eyes are blinded blinded blinded
My breathing’s stopped stopped stopped
I’m going crazy crazy baby

[All]Ddanddan ddanddada dda ddaranddan
Ddanddan ddanddada dda
I’ve fallen baby
Ddanddan ddanddada dda ddaranddan
Ddanddan ddanddada dda ddarabbabbara

Gir gir gir gir gir girl I
When I open my eyes I think of you (Hey girl)
The truth is – night and day, I only see you

[Kangin][Yesung] (Tell me)in your heart I
(Tell me) is there a position for me to grab?
(Tell me) tell me please
[Yesung] I’m a fool, a fool, a fool

[Ryeowook] Everyone around me says I’m too enthusiastic
[Sungmin] In this world
only one or two of those people would exist
[Ryeowook] You don’t know me, you don’t know her
Your words are full of envy
[Sungmin] If you’re jealous of me
Well – you’re gonna lose
([Yesung] Girl I want you, Girl I want you)

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
First of all I I I
Fell for you you you
Fell fell completely baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
My eyes are blinded blinded blinded
My breathing’s stopped stopped stopped
I’m going crazy crazy baby

Ddanddan ddanddada dda ddaranddan
Ddanddan ddanddada dda
I’ve fallen baby
Ddanddan ddanddada dda ddaranddan
Ddanddan ddanddada dda ddarabbabbara

Let’s dance dance dance dance
Let’s dance dance dance dance
Let’s dance dance dance dance
dance dance

[Yesung] Hey will you come to me now
I’m going crazy again and again, yeah
[Kyuhyun] I want to love only you
I’ll never think of pursuing another ones arm
hey hey hey

[Heechul] I want to be your boyfriend, not just a friend
[Kangin] All your worries and sadness
Lets keep them together
[Ryeowook] Not like this again
I love you so much
[Yesung] The person that I expect is you
that that that girl

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
First of all I I I
Fell for you you you
Fell fell completely baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
My eyes are blinded blinded blinded
My breathing’s stopped stopped stopped
I’m going crazy crazy baby


lirik lagu Super Junior – No Other

[Siwon] Neo gateun saram tto eopseo juwireul dureobwado geujeo georeohdeongeol eodiseo channi
Neo gatchi joheun saram neo gatchi joheun saram neo gatchi joheun ma eum neo gatchi joheun seonmul
[Yesung] Neomu dahaeng iya aesseo neorel jikyeojul geu sarami baro naraseo eodiseo channi
Na gatchi haengbokhan nom na gatchi haengbokhan nom na gatchi unneun geureon choegoro haengbokhan nom

[Ryeowook] Neoui ttatteuthan geu soni chagapge, chagapge shikeo isseul ttae
Neoui ganghaetdeon geu maeumi nal karopge sangcheo badasseul ttae
[Donghae] Naega jaba julge anajulge salmyeoshi, geugeoseuro jakeun iroman dwendamyeon johgesseo
Eonjena deo maneun geol haejugo shipeun nae mam neon da mollado dwae

[Kyuhyun] Gaseumi sorichyeo marhae jayuro-un nae yeonghon
Eonjena cheo-eumui imaeum euro neoreul saranghae georeo watdeon shiganboda nameun nari deo manha

[Heechul] Neo gateun saram tto eopseo juwireul dureobwado geujeo georeohdeongeol eodiseo channi
Neo gatchi joheun saram neo gatchi joheun saram neo gatchi joheun ma eum neo gatchi joheun seonmul
[Eunhyuk] Neomu dahaeng iya aesseo neorel jikyeojul geu sarami baro naraseo eodiseo channi
Na gatchi haengbokhan nom na gatchi haengbokhan nom na gatchi unneun geureon choegoro haengbokhan nom
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/s/super_junior/no_other.html ]
[Yesung] Naui ganan haetdeon maeumi nunbushige jeomjeom byeonhaegal ttae
Jakeun yokshimdeuri deoneun neomchiji anhge nae mamui geureut keojyeogalttae
[Sungmin] Argo isseo geu modeun iyuneun bunmyeonghi nega isseo ju-eotdaneun geot geu, geot ttak hana ppun
Eonjena gamsahae naega mankeum geuri jalhal su iggenni yeah

[Leeteuk] Gaseumi sorichyeo marhae jayuro-un nae yeonghon
Eonjena cheo-eumui imaeum euro neoreul saranghae georeo watdeon shiganboda nameun nari deo manha

[Ryeowook] Neo gateun saram tto eopseo juwireul dureobwado geujeo georeohdeongeol eodiseo channi
Neo gatchi joheun saram neo gatchi joheun saram neo gatchi joheun ma eum neo gatchi joheun seonmul
[Heechul] Neomu dahaeng iya aesseo neorel jikyeojul geu sarami baro naraseo eodiseo channi
Na gatchi haengbokhan nom na gatchi haengbokhan nom na gatchi unneun geureon choegoro haengbokhan nom

[Eunhyuk] Itjanha jogeum aju jogeum na sujupjiman neon molla sokeun taeyangboda tteugeoweo nae mam jom arajweo
TV show-e na oneun girl deureun mudae-eseo bichi nandedo neon eonjena nunbushyeo ([Shindong] naega michyeo michyeo baby)
Saranghandan neoui mare sesangeuk da gajin nan You & I, look so fine neo gateun saram isseulkka
[Shindong] Saranghae oh, negeneun ojik neoppun iran geol babo gateun na-egeneun jeonburaneungeol arajweo

[Kyuhyun] Gateun gireul georeo wasseo urin seoro dalpagago itjanha nolla-ul ppuniya goma-ul ppuniya saranghal ppuniya

[Sungmin] Neo gateun saram tto eopseo juwireul dureobwado geujeo georeohdeongeol eodiseo channi
Neo gatchi joheun saram neo gatchi joheun saram neo gatchi joheun ma eum neo gatchi joheun seonmul
[Siwon] Neomu dahaeng iya aesseo neorel jikyeojul geu sarami baro naraseo eodiseo channi
Na gatchi haengbokhan nom na gatchi haengbokhan nom na gatchi unneun geureon choegoro haengbokhan nom
[Ryeowook] Neo gateun saram tto eobseo


Siwon: Theres no one like you, even if I look around its just like that, Where else to look for?
Yesung: How lucky that I’m the person who will try his hard to protect you, where else to look for?
A happy person like me, a happy guy like me, the guy with the happiest smile like me.

Ryeowook: Your two warm hands gets cold when I’m cold. Your heart that used to be strong becomes sensitive when I’m hurt
Donghae: Take my hands silently, hold me silently, I’m only wishing for such little comforts.
You don’t know my heart that wanted to do more just for you.

Kyuhyun: Call out my heart, free my soul.
It always felt like the first time, these remaining days are more than the time I came to love you.
Heechul: There’s no one like you, even if I look around its just like that, where else to look for?
A good person like you, a good person like you, with a good heart like you, a gift as great as you.
Eunhyuk: How lucky that I’m the person who will try his hard to protect you, where else to look for?
A happy guy like me, a happy guy like me, the guy with the happiest smile like me.

Yesung: When my greedy heart gradually search to other directions
When my mind can’t handle whenever my greed grow even more
Sungmin: I know all those reasons that clearly says that you’re here, its the only one.
I’m always thankful, I could do better as you do. Yeah.

Leetuek: Call out my heart, free my soul.
It always felt like the first time, these remaining days are more than the time that I came to love you.

Ryeowook: There’s no one like you, even if I look around its just like that, where else to look for?
A good person like you, a good person like you, with a good heart like you, a gift as great as you
Heechul: How lucky that I’m the person who will try his hard to protect you, where else to look for?
A happy guy like me, a happy guy like me, the guy with the happiest smile like me

Eunhyuk: You know, I’m a little bit shy sometimes, you don’t know but you’re burning like the sun, please understand my feelings.
Even those girls that appears on TV shows are sparkling you’re always be the one in my eyes (Shindong: I’m going crazy crazy Baby)
Hearing you tell me that you love me, I have everything in this world. You & I, You’re so fine, is there someone like you?
Shindong: I love you. Oh. Please know it, to me theres only you, that I stupidly see you as my everything

Kyuhyun: We arrived on the same roald, we’re just the same, how surprising, how grateful, its love

Sungmin: There’s no one like you, even if I look around its just like that, Where else to look for?
A good person like you, a good person like you, with a good heart like you, a gift as great as you.
Siwon: How lucky that I’m the person who will try this hard to protect you, where else to look for?
A happy guy like me, a happy guy like me, the guy with the happiest smile like me.
Ryeowook: There’s no one like you

lirik lagu Super Junior – Marry U

[EUNHYUK] Love oh baby my girl
Geudaen naui juhnbu nunbushige areumdawoon
Naui shinbu shini jushin suhnmul
[HEECHUL] Haengbokhangayo geudaeui ggaman nunesuh nunmuri heureujyo
Ggaman muhri pappuri dwel ddaeggajido
Naui sarang naui geudae saranghal guhseul na maengsehalgeyo

[SUNGMIN] Geudaereul saranghandaneun mal pyuhngsaeng maeil haejugo shipuh
[RYEOWOOK] Would you marry me? Nuhl saranghago akkimyuh saragago shipuh

[KANGIN] Geudaega jami deul ddaemada nae pare jaewuhjugo shipuh
[HANGENG] Would you marry me? Iruhn naui maeum huhrakhaejullae?

[KYUHYUN] Pyuhngsaeng gyuhte isseulge (I do) Nuhl saranghaneun guhl (I do)
[YESUNG] Nungwa biga wado akkyuhjumyuhnsuh (I do)
Nuhreul jikyuhjulge (My love)

[DONGHAE] Hayan dressreul ibeun geudae tuxedoreul ibeun naui moseup
Balguhreumeul matchumyuh guhdneun woori juh dalnimgwa byuhre
I swear guhjitmal shiruh uishimshiruh
Saranghaneun naui gongju Stay with me
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/s/super_junior/marry_u.html ]
[SIWON] Wooriga naireul muhguhdo wooseumyuh saragago shipuh
[LEETEUK] Would you marry me? Naui modeun nareul hamgge haejullae?

[RYEOWOOK] Himdeulgo uhryuhwuhdo (I do) Neul naega isseulgge (I do)
[YESUNG] Woori hamggehaneun manheun nal dongan (I do) Maeil gamsahalge (My love)

[KYUHYUN] Orae juhnbutuh nuhreul wihae junbihan
Nae sone bitnaneun banjireul badajwuh
[YESUNG] Oneulgwa gateun maeumeuro jigeumui yaksok giuhkhalge
Would you marry me?

[SUNGMIN] Pyuhngsaeng gyuhte isseulge (I do) Nuhl saranghaneun guhl (I do)
Nungwa biga wado akkyuhjumyuhnsuh (I do) nuhreul jikyuhjulge (I do)

[ALL] Himdeulgo uhryuhwuhdo (I do) Neul naega isseulgge (I do)
Woori hamggehaneun manheun nal dongan (I do) Maeil gamsahalge (My love)

[EUNHYUK] Naega geudae ege deuril guhseun sarangbakke uhbjyo
Geujuh geuppuninguhl bojalguhtuhbjyo
Suhtulluhboigo manhi bujokhaedo naui sarang
Naui geudae jikyuhjulgeyo
Hangajiman yaksokhaejullae? Museunil issuhdo
Woori suhro saranghagiro geuppuniya

[RYEOWOOK] Nawa gyuhrhonhaejullae? I do

Love, oh baby my girl
You’re my everything
My dazzlingly beautiful bride, a gift from God
We’ll be happy
Tears fall from your black eyes
Even until your dark hair turns white
My love, my you
I swear I’ll love you

Saying “I love you”
I want to do it every day for a lifetime
Would you marry me? Loving and cherishing you
Is how I want to live

Every time you sleep
I want it to be in my arms
Would you marry me?
Will you approve of this heart of mine

I’ll be at your side for a lifetime, I do
Loving you, I do
Even while it snows and rains I’ll cherish you, I do
I’ll protect you, my love

You wearing a white dress
Me wearing a tuxedo
We walk matching our pace
On the moon and the stars, I swear
I don’t like lies, I don’t like doubt
My beloved princess, stay with me

Even as we age
I want to live life smiling
Would you marry me?
Do you want to spend all my days with me

Even if it’s difficult, I do
I’ll always be there, I do
For the many days we’ll have together, I do
I’ll be thankful everyday, my love

Please take this shining ring in my hand
That I’ve been preparing for you for a long time
With the same feelings as today
I’ll remember the promise made right now
Would you marry me?

(Ooh~) I’ll be at your side for a lifetime, I do (I want to do)
Loving you, I do (I wanna marry you)
Even while it snows and rains I’ll cherish you, I do
I’ll protect you, I do

I have nothing but love to give you
That’s it
It’s not that valuable
Although I seem clumsy and lacking
My love, my you, I’ll protect you
Will you just promise me one thing
That no matter what happens, we’ll love each other
That’s all

Will you marry me, I do